Tuesday, December 16, 2008

2 months!!!

Audrey turned 2 months old yesterday! I can hardly believe it! We took her to her 2 month checkup and she had to have 4 shots (3 in the leg, 1 that she drank). She did awesome--- well after the initial shock and 5 minutes of screaming bloody murder. She was calm the rest of the night and has been fine since!

Audrey's stats are:
Weight: 10 pounds, 15 ounces
Length: 23 inches
Head circumference: 38.5 inches

She was above average for length and average for weight and head circum! Yay Audrey! She's growing so big!

We switched her formula on Sunday. I read up on Similac and found that a lot of babies have extreme gas issues with it. We actually bought a cheap generic brand at BJ's and *knock on wood* she has pooped everyday and has not had gas at all!!! YAY! She seems so much more happier and relaxed! Not to mention we got a 60 oz can for $19.99 and Similac was $28 for a 34 oz can!

I went back to work last week. It has been pretty smooth returning! The kids are readjusting to having me back (I think my sub was a little too lax with them). It's also nice to get out of the house everyday and to converse with adults! Jedd drops Audrey off at the sitters everyday so I never have to deal with the sadness of leaving her (which is probably a good thing). She's been doing really well there and we're really happy with her!

Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays! I still have some shopping to do but not enough time to ever get it done! Christmas will be here in 9 days!!!! AHHHH!! I'm posting some of the pictures my sister took of us for our Christmas cards! Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

7 weeks!

Our baby girl is 7 weeks old today! I cannot believe it! Time has just flown by since she entered the world! My maternity leave is officially over on Monday. Part of me is really sad because I'll miss spending the day with Audrey, but another part of me is really excited to get back into a normal routine. Plus, I'm only back for 2 weeks and then Christmas break!

I had my pp checkup yesterday. Everything is completely back to normal and I have about 5lbs to lose! I was pretty excited to hear that!

I took some Christmas pictures of Audrey the other day. I'm still going to have my sister take some of the 3 of us, but I figured since I was bored I'd put her into a little stocking and see how she did! They turned out really cute!