Monday, October 6, 2008


Went in today for my 39 week checkup. I figured I'd be about 2 cm, maybe 80% effaced-- but I was not getting my hopes up more than that. I had my blood pressure taken (which is always around 115-120/70ish) and I was joking to the med assistant that I'd love for her to say I have high b/p so I could have the baby. Well, she took it, then took it again, and it was high!!! At first it was 160/75 then she got 140/73. I couldn't believe it!!!!

So the midwife comes in--- it was first appt with her because she just started and I said right away to Jedd-- I love her! She checked Audrey's heartbeat and couldn't believe how low she was (meaning position-- heartbeat was perfect). She then did an internal--- and before that-- she gave us all kinds of "tips" to speed things up (she knows I do NOT want to be induced). So right before the internal, she tells us if my cervix is favorable, she's going to get stuff going for me! I was shocked!

Well, I was already 3-4 cm dilated, 80-90% effaced, and Audrey is already at +1 station (or "in the basement" as she says)... so she got stuff working. Completed stripped my membranes (OUCH) and then stretched my cervix to a definite 4 (double OUCH). Immediately, I started cramping and contracting!!! She said with how I was already progressing and with her doing that, she gives us 24 hours tops. She said by 2am tomorrow morning I'll be in full labor. Ummmmm, what? AHHHHHHHHHH!! She said for me not to go within the next 24 hours she will be shocked!

So we rushed home, and now we're going nuts trying to prepare ourselves-- emotinally, mentally, physically! We're going to bed early---- so we'll see. Hopefully this is it!!! Jedd is thrilled Audrey may come on the "7th" of a month-- his absolute favorite number!!!! I just cannot believe tomorrow at this time I may be holding my little girl FINALLY!

I'll keep everyone posted!!!!

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