Thursday, November 20, 2008


I remember when I was pregnant, and nearing the end, I thought I couldn't sleep very well. I was sooo uncomfortable and I couldn't wait until Audrey was here so that I could sleep better. HA!!!! Audrey is an awesome baby--- trust me, we are very blessed. She never cries unless she is hungry or needs changed. She's also very content with sitting and staring at anything you put her in front of. However, the last week or so she has been having horrible gas. She screams in pain. And it's not one of her normal cries either. It's a cry that makes you wince because you feel horrible for her. We have started giving her gas drops following feedings and it has seemed to lessen the pain a little. We also brought this up at her one month checkup and her doctor said it's normal for breastfed babies. UGHHHH!!!

So anyways, last night was not a good night. She was fed, changed, and tired (she could barely stay awake and was yawning constantly) but the gas got her again! She did finally have a nice poop in the early morning and it allowed us to sleep until 8:30ish. I just wish she'd feel better again!!!

On a lighter note, yesterday Audrey was 5 weeks old already. It makes me sad to see how fast time is flying by. She's getting so much bigger and she's becoming more attentive during the days! I am dreading returning to work in 3 weeks. I don't know how I'm going to go a whole day without her! I also don't know how I'm going to survive a day of teaching when I'm this exhausted!!!! Fingers crossed for tonight!

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