Saturday, September 27, 2008

Over 37 weeks pregnant

Well, still no Audrey....

I haven't updated this in a long time, and I forgot to take a 36 week pregnant picture last week--- oops! Maybe I didn't completely forget...but I'd like to never remember this uncomfortable time! Once I have Audrey I'm sure it won't matter... but for now, I am miserable!

I really hope she decides to come early. I mention to her all the time that it's okay to come now! She's nearly 38 weeks gestation in there, so she'd be fine!!! Hopefully she listens soon! We're all patiently (or as patient as we can be) waiting her arrival!

Audrey (37 weeks fetal development-- which was Tuesday):

  • This week, the average size is about 6.3 pounds now and 19.1 inches length.
  • She is official full term now but can still benefit from extra days in the womb.
  • Your baby continues to practice breathing movements. Isn't it amazing how she can breathe "under water?"
  • Grasp is firm now. It won't be long until you'll feel that strong little fist confidently grasping your finger (or tightly clenching your hair)!
  • A few weeks ago, your baby would move her eyes toward light. Now she turns towards light outside the uterus.
  • " As the uterine wall stretches and thins allowing more light to permeate, she develops definite daily activity cycles. You will want to be sure to establish good patterns yourself at this time, thus encouraging them in your child. Ever heard of a baby getting his days/nights mixed up? Now's the time to try to avoid that!

We also met with our sitter last night and finalized everything with that. Her name is Marisa and she lives right downtown New Bloomfield so it is very convenient. She has two children of her own--- a 3 yr old and a 2 yr old and then she watches another little boy who is 1. Audrey will be her last child to watch and should get plenty of TLC since she's going to be so much younger. Jedd and I are very worried about leaving our baby with someone we barely know-- but no matter who we pick, we would feel that way. I do like that Marisa is so close to my parents if anything would happen. Audrey will have other little kids to interact with which is something we both wanted too--- just not in a daycare setting. I'm sure she'll be fine though, and it's a relief to get that out of the way!

Fingers crossed that next time I post I have my beautiful little girl to post about!!!

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